10 years, 31 Forums, 15 Bridges, 7 BBLP Fellows, and scores of newsletters, calls to action, webinars and learn at lunches later, the ClassACT HR73 community has changed the world. Whether you are a regular volunteer, bridge sponsor, webinar/ forum attendee or are just beginning to know us, you are a part of ClassACT and we have done this TOGETHER. Now, as we move into our organization’s next decade, it’s time to celebrate US!
Please join us for a Zoom cocktail party featuring our ClassACT community of classmates.
Beginning with the whole group gathering for toasts, you will then have an opportunity to rotate through (or stay in) breakout rooms for lively conversation based on common interests. These will include sports, entertainment, literature, and fine dining to start, but the discussions can lead wherever you want them to go. The party will end by gathering again as a whole group for final comments and toasts.
Mark your calendars for February 13th and tell us you are coming by registering here.