How is it structured to function? The connecting tissue of the BBLP network is shared work to promote the mission and the flow of assistance between the groups and individuals that make up the network. Strong relationship development is a cornerstone of the program. Who are its members? The network includes BBLP Associates and Fellows; members of the Steering Committee, Advisory Board and ClassACT Board; and Classmate Mentor/Advisors. BBLP Associates: Leaders/experts, most of whom originate from the Middle East or South Asia, who have studied/are studying at/in a Harvard program such as HKS, HLS, etc. These persons have committed to working with BBLP to establish a network of like-minded leaders who can support and mentor one another. Most, though not all, work "in country" once they leave Harvard, though some reside and work in the US and other areas around the globe. BBLP Fellows: Recipients of the ClassACT HR73 Graduate Leadership Program Fellowship in Honor of Benazir Bhutto. Like the Associates, they are committed to working with BBLP to establish a network of like-minded leaders who can support and mentor one another. The BBLP Steering Committee: Members of this group are HR73 classmates committed to working with/for BBLP. The ClassACT Board: The 9 members of the ClassACT board, all of whom are also part of the BBLP Steering Committee. BBLP Mentor/Advisors: HR73 Classmate members who have agreed to share their expertise with individual Fellows and Associates under limited terms. This group is just now beginning to be developed, so there are currently very few listed. We look to the Fellows and Associates to suggest areas of expertise that might be useful. The BBLP Advisory Board: Influential leaders from around the world, some of whom are HR73 classmates, who share the goals of BBLP and have agreed to lend their names (and sometimes their efforts) to further the mission of BBLP. |
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