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Fun was had by all on the evening before Valentine’s Day as close to 70 classmates gathered online to celebrate the 10th Birthday Bash of ClassACT HR73.

Attendees were able to share their opinions on a variety of topics in six virtual breakout rooms. These rooms were cleverly identified by the nostalgia of our days in Cambridge. The rooms included: Elsie’s (fine dining, cooking, entertaining); The Fogg Art Museum (Fine Art); The COOP (Literature); Brattle Theater (theater, film, television, and streaming; Charles River (Leisure Activities); and Soldier’s Field (Sports). People hopped from one breakout room to another, so we are in the process of compiling a summary of recommendations (ie. books, restaurants, museums, etc.) to share with all the participants. The positive reactions and responses point to future class get togethers, and we include some of the resources we received in the chat above! They include books, movies, recipes, and theatre recommendations.