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  • October 17, 2017 1:36 PM | Anonymous

    ClassACT is excited to announce The HKS ClassACT HR1973 Graduate Leadership Program Fellowship in Honor of Benazir Bhutto

    A fellowship at the Kennedy School, through the prestigious Mason Fellows program, it is designed to support mid-career leaders from predominantly Muslim countries, particularly women, who promote democracy, equal rights for women, education for all, and religious reconciliation—all values Benazir held dear. Take a look at the details on the HKS financial aid site and search Bhutto for the description.

  • September 21, 2017 9:30 AM | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    David Weeks reports, "fortunately the Haitian village of Camp Coq where I have conducted my Global Leadership Program of the Build Haiti Foundation managed not to be damaged that much from the recent Hurricane Irma." He is currently fundraising to muster 72 children who could not afford the cost of a year's education--contact him at if you would like more information.

    Ellen Calmus reported that power and communications were restored in Malinalco though some cell networks did not yet seem to be working. Their area suffered damage to houses, happily most fairly minor--"sadly, it seems there was damage to a number of Malinalco's treasured historic churches, some going back to the 16th century." Ellen herself was across the mountains attending a funeral, and there was damage there as well, "people in shock, yet everybody helping everybody else. Store owners invited me behind their counters to step over broken bottles and debris to use their land lines, a young man helped clear my car of rubble from a collapsed wall, a policeman stopped traffic so I could get out...Isn't it striking how emergencies can bring out the best in people?"

    This theme was also emphasized by our classmate Amy Totenberg's daughter Emily Green, reporting from the Mexico City area on NPR that she survived the quake and was able to file her story through the collected, extraordinary kindnesses of many people in the city.

  • May 30, 2017 12:38 AM | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    Classmates Ham Fish, Jerome Harris, Rob Segwick, Therese Steiner joined JusticeAid Founder and CEO Steve Milliken and ROCKED OUT at the  May 24th concert “Gotta Serve Somebody” benefitting the Mental Health Project of the Urban Justice Center on Bob Dylan’s birthday. Six phenomenal female jazz and blues artists celebrated the music of Bob Dylan, a powerful illustration that art has the power to create positive world change.

    View video

    The night before, classmate Linda Corman attended a standing room only JusticeAid-hosted  panel “Justice, Mental Health and Incarceration" moderated by New York Times Pulitzer Prize winning journalist Michael Winerip, and including several people involved in the Close Rikers movement.  The panel, focussing on barriers to justice for people with mental illness, was live-streamed on Facebook Live— a ClassACT and JusticeAid first! 

    Check out:  and link here for short video on JusticeAid and the work of the Mental Health Project. 

  • May 22, 2017 2:19 AM | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    If you're concerned about the justice system and its influence on mental health of the incarcerated, and/or a New Yorker eager to close Rikers' Island, you'll want to know about this: a chance to tap the expertise of an extraordinary group of mental health professionals on the cutting edge of advocacy, programming and assistance for people with mental illness currently in or recently out of the prison/jail systems.

    Tomorrow, Tuesday, May 23rd, at 6:30pm, as part of our community outreach efforts, JusticeAid, A ClassAct HR73 bridge project, will host a panel JUSTICE, MENTAL HEALTH & INCARCERATION, moderated by Pulitzer Prize winning New York Times journalist Michael Winerip.

    Join the conversation! and please share with abandon.

  • December 06, 2016 7:00 AM | Anonymous

    Check out the global coverage of the Benazir Bhutto Leadership Program Assembly, which ClassACT held with co-sponsor The Weatherhead Center for International Affairs on December 5.

    Daily Pakistan
    Dunya News
    GEO TV
    Kashmir Images
    Pakistan Today
    The Express Tribune
    The Harvard Gazette
    The News International

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