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  • January 03, 2020 5:10 PM | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    By Dick Friedman 

    Fake News may have met its match in Tom Cooper. Since 1983 Cooper has been a professor in the Visual and Media Arts department at Emerson College. The author or co-author of seven books, Cooper is an expert on media ethics. In 2017, he was approached by the United Nations to be among an international panel devising educational programs on this topic and others. The result is Education for Justice (E4J), which now presents online “modules” for use in classrooms worldwide.

    “The United Nations is seeking to find more people who can share their talents and, in this case, their ethical training with people around the world who often don’t have the resources or maybe the political ability or the awareness that ethics instruction even exists,” says Cooper. “The U.N. is reaching out not only at the university level but—and this is very heartening to me—at the high school and even at the elementary level as well. So as with ClassACT, there’s some outreach, some new ground and some support for people of integrity, wherever they are.”

    Cooper explains that the courses have two audiences. “One is teachers themselves,” he says. “Now there is online a universal curriculum that can be customized. The second is, all those young people who have some kind of longing for a better world but don’t know how to go about achieving it. They can learn a plan of moral reasoning.”

    The E4J courses deal with many aspects of the craft of journalism, among them accuracy, objectivity and transparency. In an era when media are in flux and under attack, ethics are often the first casualty, for many reasons. “One is speedup,” says Cooper, noting the way newsroom staffs have thinned even while reporters and editors are now responsible not only for the print stories but also for fast-breaking online items. “And one of the victims of speedup is ethical decision-making, People don’t take the time to verify sources and think things through.”

    What are the program’s main precepts? “You have to open both your mind and your heart in ethical decision-making,” says Cooper. “A closed mind is usually prejudging. A closed heart may not be able to empathize with all of the innocent people in a situation. You have to be able to put yourself in the shoes of all parties. Don’t go in with an assumed verdict.”

    In all his ethics instruction, Cooper looks for what he refers to as “green-light ethics.” These can be embodied in “moral exemplars…Mandela or Gandhi or Mother Theresa, from whom you can learn a positive approach to ethics. So by virtue of that, the book that I have coming out next is called Doing the Right Thing. It goes back in history to find 12 moral exemplars who had very difficult ethical decisions to make who nevertheless rose to the occasion and managed to make a decision that changed the world. And the most recent of those is Malala. She’s the final chapter and one of the green-light models I hold up to my students, because she’s the same age as they are. Our own attention in ClassACT to Malala comes for different reasons by virtue of Pinkie Bhutto, whom I barely knew but greatly respected. And here we are, finding her to be important to our work.”

  • October 03, 2019 10:25 AM | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    Come celebrate the Benazir Bhutto Leadership Program's newest fellow, Nadia Rehman! There will be cocktails, hors d'oevres, and plenty of conversation to get to know Nadia better. Click here to register for the event!

  • September 05, 2019 3:14 PM | Anonymous member (Administrator)
    The United Nations Association of Greater Boston is ClassACT's newest Bridge. Sponsored by classmate Rich Golob, who most recently served as the chair of the UNAGB board of directors, the organization promotes global awareness in the Greater Boston area. Rich and their Executive Director, Caitlin Moore, have asked ClassACT to help them find topical experts to serve as speakers for their adult and student programs. We have already provided a connection to Benazir Bhutto Leadership Program Associate and international water expert, Erum Sattar.

    UNAGB is developing a water curriculum so they are delighted that Erum has agreed to be the keynote speaker at their annual meeting. Classmates interested in UNAGB should reach out to Rich Golob or Caitlin Moore.In addition to finding experts for their program they are interested more generally in volunteers supporters.

    If you're interested in their work, check them out at!

  • August 30, 2019 12:29 AM | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    Are you a classmate in living in the Berkeley area? Are you looking to support an awesome organization and ClassACT Bridge Project that uses medical software to transform pediatric care in under-recoursed communities? Click here to donate or attend the Kids Care Everywhere's Autumn Soiree on September 28th!

  • August 29, 2019 10:29 PM | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    SACP Founder Robert Clayton and SACP National Program Manager Christien Oliver have been selected to moderate two data science panels during the 2019 HBCU Week Conference, sponsored by the White House Initiative on Historically Black Colleges and Universities

    Participants will explore how HBCUs can position themselves as global leaders in efforts to improve society through teaching and research based on the powerful, emerging field of data science. The amount of available data in the world is more than doubling every two years and there is a shortage of qualified data scientists to analyze and interpret the data and to help make data-informed decisions for the betterment of society. Schools of Data Science, which may offer both graduate and undergraduate degrees and certificates, help to meet soaring demand for qualified data science professionals in a field that plays a key role in the global information-based economy.

    Learn more about SACP's work in their most recent newsletter: here

    Register for the conference: HBCU Conference Registration Link

  • August 21, 2019 9:55 PM | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    Classmate and Federal Judge Amy Totenberg is working to ensure that the election process is just. Click here to read the Washington Post article about her!

  • May 31, 2019 12:10 PM | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    What's wrong with democracy? Classmate and journalist Dick Friedman has an answer in his writeup on the discussions about democracy that took place that took place during our April 12th Weatherhead Assembly. Check it out here!

  • April 08, 2019 12:45 PM | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    Interested in the panels, speakers, and events happening this Friday? Click here to find and share the program for the 2019 Weatherhead Assembly!

  • February 18, 2019 8:02 PM | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    On Saturday, April 13th, the South Asia engagement group of HKS will hold the South Asia Symposium - Challenges Facing the Leaders of Tomorrow. Come to discuss common problems being faced by the region such as insufficient energy, lack of youth participation in politics, corruption in governance, the implications of regional peace and human rights in business.  

  • February 18, 2019 7:11 PM | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    On April 12, 2019, the Benazir Bhutto Leadership Program will host a symposium, co-sponsored with the Weatherhead Center for International Affairs, to consider democratic institutions in the Middle East and South Asia against the backdrop of assessments of democracy in America.

    In the course of the day, BBLP will convene experts on democratic institutions in the U.S. and abroad and bring them together with ClassACT HR73 affiliates, BBLP’s inaugural Fellows at HKS, BBLP Associates from the broader Harvard community, and the general public. Together and in panels and working groups, we will explore the motives and means to deliver on the ideals that drove Benazir Bhutto’s career and generate next steps for the BBLP community.

ClassACT HR ‘73

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