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CLASSACTors learn at lunch: SHARON TISHER '73

Wednesday, April 10, 2024, 12-1pm ET

Please join us for the first Environmental/Climate Change Workgroup’s “Learn at Lunch” series of seminars.  Led by Sharon Tisher ‘73, this informal discussion that will focus on developments in climate science, U.S. policy, and international policy as they unfolded in 2023. 

In order to have a lively interaction, Sharon would like you to:

1. Skim the headlines in the new 2023 section of her work,  A Climate Chronology.

2. Please choose any two entries that are of interest to you, particularly as they relate to each other. 

3. Sharon hopes that some of you can be prepared to share what interests you about them, and if possible connect to the overriding issues the chronology raises: how we have arrived at where we are now, and what our future will look like. You are not expected to explore the cited resources, but of course may if you wish.

In addition to using the chronology to focus this discussion, Sharon would very much appreciate your feedback and suggestions for improvement, either during the hour or afterwards. You can contact her at

Click here for the full climate chronology!
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